As I type this, you are sacked out in your swing, having just endured your four month check-up and shots. You were so good at the doctor's just cried right after the needle stick and calmed down seconds later and went fast to sleep as your daddy read "Guess How Much I Love You." Mama did better this round, too, and didn't even cry when the nurses stuck you with those needles.
You are a smiley kiddo and so very talkative. I think you got your smiles from your daddy and your love of language from me. The mornings are my favorite time with you because you are rested and playful and cuddly. Bath time ranks up there for the best time of the day, too, though. You love baths! The past few times I have bathed you I put you in mama's big tub with your foam bear. You love to sprawl out on him and kick in the water. The very sound of the bath coming on calms you down (as does the sound of the kitchen water coming on when you think you are about to be fed). You also love to watch football with your daddy, but Dr. Stewart told us today that we can't let you do that anymore lest you be ADD when you get older. We can't have that, so we are going to let you watch television less and read more books. Maybe Santa will bring you some new books for Christmas!!!
Speaking of which - the Holidays are quickly approaching. We are going to Nana and Big Pop's for Thanksgiving. Bebe and Papa Joe will be there, too. Mama's cousins and aunts and uncles will be there to entertain you as well. It will be a fun time for all. And then in no time your first Christmas will be here! Since you can't write (or speak), I'll write Santa and tell him what you want for Christmas.
I wish I was a better writer so that I could convey on this blog exactly how much fun you are. You and your daddy are my world, kiddo. Each day with you is perfect.
Lots of love,
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