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Friday, December 21, 2007

Anna's First Night Away from Home

Sob. Big Pop and Nana arrived yesterday morning at 7:30 a.m. and carried my daughter back to my hometown, where she spent the night for the first time without me and Joseph. I say, "Sob," but it really wasn't that bad. I surprised myself. I missed her - sure. But, Joseph and I had dinner out and slept like, well, those babies who sleep all night. This blog is getting updated because I am not caring for a five-month-old baby girl. You get the point. Mommy time!!!

I, of course, called the grandparents regularly last night and this morning to get reports. Yesterday, it seems the Banana was a perfect angel. A "pleasant baby" is how my mom put it. She awoke, though, at 2:00 a.m. scared - I heard she was looking around at her surroundings like she was confused as to where she was. I did get sort of sad when I heard that, but a bottle of warm milk put her right back to sleep. And I'm sure Nana's rocking and cuddling helped a great deal.

At the home front, Joseph and I awoke this morning (well rested and ready for Christmas) only to discover that we had no baby to cuddle with or feed or change. Joseph's morning routine always involves feeding and changing Anna, then he plays with her for awhile until he has to get ready for work. He really enjoys that time with her, and it really is her best time of the day. We missed you, baby girl!

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