Dear Anna,
I wish I had a picture to go with this post. But, as it is 1:25 a.m. as I type this, the picture will have to wait.
You are (mostly) sleeping through the night. You do the best when I get it together and make sure that your feeding schedule includes a meal right around 8:00 p.m. Last night, though, I didn't calculate correctly and you ate around 7:00 p.m. and were down for the count. I just went up to your room to change your diaper and feed you. You throw SUCH the fit when you are hungry! You kick your little feet like an Olympic swimmer and pooch out your bottom lip like a world-class pouter. By the way, kid, the pouting thing is real cute now, but in a few years...not so much. I changed your diaper just now and fed you. After you ate, you curled up next to me and went back to sleep. Your little legs were draped across my thighs, and I felt my heart grow just a little bit bigger. I love you so fiercly...and you know what? I think you love me with just as much intensity. There are times when only mama will do - and while I worry about you when I'm not around - it makes me the happiest mama in the whole world.
So anyway. Where was I?
I gathered you up after you ate to wrap you back up in the Miracle Blanket. Just when I got you swaddled up, you decided to open those big blue eyes, look straight at me, and give me the widest smile! Kiddo, you don't know it yet (or maybe you do) but that cute little toothless grin of yours is your ticket. I'm going to have to muster up some immunity to it before you turn two, though, or you'll turn out rotten to the core.
I put your pacifier in your mouth and with a sigh you were back to sleep. I stood next to your crib and watched you enter the Land of Nod. You are so beautiful when you sleep. Okay - you're beautiful all the time. But especially when you sleep. Your little legs flop open. Your eyelashes rest so adorably against your cheeks. The corners of your mouth hint at a smile, making me wonder what you are dreaming about.
Time for the mama to go back to sleep, too. Sweet dreams, Little One.